


Thursday, June 4, 2009

free to access internet by using Hotspot

You have heard the term Hostpot, but if you already know what is like Hotspot and how do I use?

With the Hotspot you can connect the internet such as browsing, blogging ( get paid to blog ), SEO optimazion, chat, check email, bank and download transactions to wait a while, hangout, and meet with colleagues at your business.

Conducting an internet connection can now be done in places there are open throughout the hotspot as a starting point in the shopping, hangout place, restaurant, cafe, airport, hotel or food court.

so you are now more freely to make money blogging, internet business and many other ..

Hotspot itself is a term for the area where people can access the internet, home use laptop or PDA with features WiFi (Wireless Fidelity), so can berinternetan without cables.

Usage Instructions:
- Make sure you are in a hotspot coverage
- Click on the Wireless icon in your laptop
- Enter the username and password

Tips For Safe to hotspot:
- Never to enable file sharing folder your laptop if you connect with the public network, because it allows other people can access the folder you sharing
- Turn off the printer sharing your Laptop
- Always enable anti-virus definition updates with the latest
- Do not give your username and password to other people

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